(Her Sight)
Mezzo secolo fa, quando noi italiani emigravamo, deperiti, deprivati della dignità, reduci dalla guerra, vedevamo il mondo con luce e ottimismo, speranza e fiducia nelle opportunità. Se il nostro paese era distrutto ci siamo rimboccati le maniche e ci siamo procurati un futuro. Niente faceva presumere che questo futuro sarebbe stato migliore: ma era ciò che volevamo che fosse. Quindi pregavamo e andavamo avanti.
Con questo spirito un pò arrivista e un pò ingenuo, abbiamo sparso nei paesi in cui ci insediavamo la concezione dell’Italiano tipo del dopoguerra: RISATE, SIMPATIA, CASINO, SCHIAMAZZI, “CIAO BELLA”, PIZZA, MANDOLINO, SPAGHETTI, BOLOGNESE, POMMAROLA, VENEZIA, MAFIA E COLOSSEO.
Ora l’Italia, o meglio gli Italiani, cosa é/sono?
Tralasciando paesi, province, del nord, sud e centro italia, ve lo dico io:
e all’estero come lo vedono un italiano/ l’italia?
“UNFAITHFUL CAZZONE”. E giustamente oserei dire, è descrizione corretta per il 90% degli italiani.
E io da “unfaithful cazzona” come sono, citando un film (notting hill), pure “avariata” scrivo in ITALIANO perchè l’inglese non lo so (o forse non lo dovrei saper per essere italiana : ma l’ho studiato.)
I’ll explain you my complaint:
is it the hell possible that there is no way for me to study in USA?
Evidently yes. If I’d like to study in a college, like Columbia in NY, I’d have to do the application form and participate to the admissions like an american girl, pay tuitions like everyone else, there isn’t ANY PARTNERSHIP WITH ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES.
At the end of 2010 I’ll graduate. I’ll take the “cosidetta Italian Laurea Triennale”, i’ll be the equivalent of a Bachelor in Engineering. Then I have to continue my studies with the “cosidetta Italian Laurea Magistrale”, the equivalent of a post-graduate program.
Unfortunately, due to the excessive cut of funds destinated to “l’Università Italiana” (putted to use by our dear “Governo”), “il corso di laurea specialistica in Ing. Gestionale” of the University of Florence : QUITS.
Conclusion : I have to move in another city, in Italy? not in Italy? Who knows!
I’d like to go somewhere else, like in the states. Take an MBA, and start to cooperate with a big company. Maybe go on and move there permanently.
But this country is so inaccessible.
This is a big investment on my future, and a big risk, maybe it’s unattainable, i don’t know.
The only way to have facilities consists in winning the Fulbright Best scholarship: 40’000$. But it’s directed to second level graduates, and so first i’ve to continue my college career in Italy….and WHERE? DAMN!
Lucky you born in the States, the instruction is expensive but at least offers lots of opportunities.
But this country is so inaccessible.
This is a big investment on my future, and a big risk, maybe it’s unattainable, i don’t know.
The only way to have facilities consists in winning the Fulbright Best scholarship: 40’000$. But it’s directed to second level graduates, and so first i’ve to continue my college career in Italy….and WHERE? DAMN!
Lucky you born in the States, the instruction is expensive but at least offers lots of opportunities.
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