giovedì 31 dicembre 2009

bye bye.

mercoledì 30 dicembre 2009


they’re cute, aren’t they?!

lunedì 28 dicembre 2009

his my second “xmas gift” ☃
the paper toy of Milky from “Coffe and TV” the Blur Mascotte.
download it from this link ☞ Download!
and click the ♥ button please :)
so give me Coffee and TV
skeletoff - skeleton
The Power Of Books.

➻ Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

domenica 27 dicembre 2009


ho ho ho!

sabato 26 dicembre 2009

it’s late but…
merry christmas to all of you.

venerdì 25 dicembre 2009

Have a White Trash Christmas.

mercoledì 23 dicembre 2009

American Apparel

very snowy.

the hoff & arnold.
what a couple.

martedì 22 dicembre 2009

points of view

this my first “xmas gift” ☃

the paper toy of max from Where The Wild Things Are.

download it from this link ☞ Download!

and click the ♥ button please :)

it’s cute.

merry xmas

domenica 20 dicembre 2009

starry night.

Jj&Aa in AA Hamburg

riiiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiing (…)


(with this weather) it’s like a desert. mmm.

waiting for the train.

sabato 19 dicembre 2009

my cat is in my mother’s drawer. why?

christmas tree time!
Firenze Rifredi.

pear&chocolate crumble pie+hot chocolate.
that’s winter!


What do you think of Piazza Duomo in the snow?
Ooh Florence, Florence, so fascinating and so messy

giovedì 17 dicembre 2009

Mela, Pera, Mela & Pera, Pantera e Oca, Enzo Mari for Danese

Due, la pera.“la Pera non è una pera ma la pera.”


Two, the pear.

“the Pear is not a pear but the pear”

Divenuta quasi un simbolo della produzione Danese,
questa Serie è tra i pochi esempi di Edizioni che raggiungono l’obiettivo di creare per l’ambiente abitativo immagini ‘artistiche’ fondate sul concetto di serialità.
Di queste opere non esistono originali, perché l’immagine finale si ottiene solo attraverso i procedimenti tecnici di riproduzione (serigrafia).
Mari sembra cercare attraverso la scelta di questi soggetti ‘archetipi’, la forma e la tecnica della loro rappresentazione una sorta di ‘super-icona’


Three, the apple and the pear

It becomes one of Danese production ‘s symbols,
this serie is one of those few examples that reach the object of creating, for home environment, an artistic idea built on a concept of seriality.
It does not exhist an original object, for this kind of work, this is because we obtain the final image after long technical processing on series.
Mari looks for shape and technics of rappresentation, a sort of “super icona”..

“La pantera non è una pantera ma La pantera.”


Four, the panther.

“The panther is not a panther but The panter.”

mercoledì 16 dicembre 2009

Jookabox - You Cried Me,
last week i found this really nice video & song,
the video is about vampires, ghosts and monsters,
and i dedicated it to dandee,
i liked it,
she liked it,
so i share it with you all,
what do you think?

P.S. - i think the drawings are made with paint and then animated.

New Frigoverre Logo?

(His sight)
Did you like this possible new Frigoverre logo?


Cancellare, cancellare, cancellare e alla fine trovare un componente principale di progettazione;
noi mentre progettavamo eravamo contro l’invadenza del disegno, eravamo alla ricerca del tratto minimo che serviva alla funzione;
volevamo arrivare a dire: meno di così non si può fare.

Achille Castiglioni

martedì 15 dicembre 2009

I confess that in 2009, I have….

(Her Sight)
( ) stayed single for the whole year
( ) made out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
(x) celebrated Halloween
( ) kissed in the rain
( ) had your heart broken
( ) broke someone else’s heart
(x) had a stalker
(x) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(x) had a good relationship with someone
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) have a relationship with someone you’ll never forget
(x) done something you’ve regretted
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under a mistletoe
(x) painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
( ) ran a mile
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
(x) posted a blog
(x) listened to music you couldn’t stand
( ) went to a sleepover
( ) went camping
(x) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
(x) visited a foreign country
(x) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren’t
(x) partied to celebrate the new year
(x) cooked a disastrous meal
(x) lost something/someone important to you
In 2009 I…
(x) broke a promise
(x) lied
(x) went behind your parents back
( ) cried over a broken heart
(x) disappointed someone close
(x) hid a secret
(x) pretended to be happy
( ) slept under the stars
( ) kept your new years resolution
( ) forgot your new years resolution
( ) met someone who changed your life
( ) met one of your idols
(x) changed your outlook on life
(x) sat home all day doing nothing
(x) pretended to be sick
( ) left the country
( ) almost died
(x) given up something important to you
(x) lost something expensive
(x) learned something new about yourself
(x) tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it
(x) made a change in your life
( ) found out who your true friends were
( ) met great people
( ) stayed up til sunrise
(x) Cried over the silliest thing
( ) was never home on weekends
( ) got into a car accident
(x) had friends who were drifting away from you
(x) had someone close to you die
(x) had a high cell phone bill
( ) spent most of your money on food
( ) had a fist fight
(x) went to the beach with your best friend
( ) saw a celebrity
(x) gotten sick
( ) liked more than 5 people at the same time
(x) became closer with a lot of people

sabato 12 dicembre 2009

When I realized that the world was easier than I thought

it was too late:

My Idea was already Out Of Stock.
— Dandee.
my favourite denim shorts.
bought in a market at the seaside.
vintage levi’s-at the cheap price of 5 euros. :)

wild side.

into the wild.
i didn’t remember that kristen stewart had a role in this movie.

that’s crazy.
ladybug cupcakes.

that pizza, will be faantastic for breakfast.

mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009

Amelie Poulain et l’ami-lampe.

Bon Noël!


(Her Sight)
Every girl on the Earth would be plaised to have a maid like P.D. ,
especially if he-she has a loft with such a great window on central park and the NY skyline.

On the road, levi’s and a car.

(Her Sight)

I can imagine only few things I’d like to receive in Xmas.
One is a West Coast travel.
I haven’t organised yet, not even thinked about it in a more pragmatic way.
It’s only an idea….and the central question is:
In what period?
When, California, do you give your best?


Just what I’m studying now.
“Stock management systems”
Second intermediate test

Reclamo all’Italiana.

(Her Sight)
Mezzo secolo fa, quando noi italiani emigravamo, deperiti, deprivati della dignità, reduci dalla guerra, vedevamo il mondo con luce e ottimismo, speranza e fiducia nelle opportunità. Se il nostro paese era distrutto ci siamo rimboccati le maniche e ci siamo procurati un futuro. Niente faceva presumere che questo futuro sarebbe stato migliore: ma era ciò che volevamo che fosse. Quindi pregavamo e andavamo avanti.
Con questo spirito un pò arrivista e un pò ingenuo, abbiamo sparso nei paesi in cui ci insediavamo la concezione dell’Italiano tipo del dopoguerra: RISATE, SIMPATIA, CASINO, SCHIAMAZZI, “CIAO BELLA”, PIZZA, MANDOLINO, SPAGHETTI, BOLOGNESE, POMMAROLA, VENEZIA, MAFIA E COLOSSEO.
Ora l’Italia, o meglio gli Italiani, cosa é/sono?
Tralasciando paesi, province, del nord, sud e centro italia, ve lo dico io:
e all’estero come lo vedono un italiano/ l’italia?
“UNFAITHFUL CAZZONE”. E giustamente oserei dire, è descrizione corretta per il 90% degli italiani.
E io da “unfaithful cazzona” come sono, citando un film (notting hill), pure “avariata” scrivo in ITALIANO perchè l’inglese non lo so (o forse non lo dovrei saper per essere italiana : ma l’ho studiato.)
I’ll explain you my complaint:
is it the hell possible that there is no way for me to study in USA?
Evidently yes. If I’d like to study in a college, like Columbia in NY, I’d have to do the application form and participate to the admissions like an american girl, pay tuitions like everyone else, there isn’t ANY PARTNERSHIP WITH ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES.
At the end of 2010 I’ll graduate. I’ll take the “cosidetta Italian Laurea Triennale”, i’ll be the equivalent of a Bachelor in Engineering. Then I have to continue my studies with the “cosidetta Italian Laurea Magistrale”, the equivalent of a post-graduate program.
Unfortunately, due to the excessive cut of funds destinated to “l’Università Italiana” (putted to use by our dear “Governo”), “il corso di laurea specialistica in Ing. Gestionale” of the University of Florence : QUITS.
Conclusion : I have to move in another city, in Italy? not in Italy? Who knows!

I’d like to go somewhere else, like in the states. Take an MBA, and start to cooperate with a big company. Maybe go on and move there permanently.
But this country is so inaccessible.
This is a big investment on my future, and a big risk, maybe it’s unattainable, i don’t know.
The only way to have facilities consists in winning the Fulbright Best scholarship: 40’000$. But it’s directed to second level graduates, and so first i’ve to continue my college career in Italy….and WHERE? DAMN!
Lucky you born in the States, the instruction is expensive but at least offers lots of opportunities.


Are you Colour/blind?

lunedì 7 dicembre 2009

One of the red vertical lines is actually longer.

One of the red vertical lines is actually longer.
Can you tell which one is it?
Right or Left?

Hi Ha!

(His Sight)

I take this pic in ‘07 at the Vanabbe Museum in Eindhoven,
this is a ‘92 Installation Art by John Kørmeling called HI HA,
Is like a tree and from every branch goes out an HI or an HA,
i don’t know the real meaning of this,
but when i saw it,
i feel happy,
it take my attention.